- Write & publish my first novel (Done! Song of the Ancients, 2015)
- Earn $1,000 from book and apply for PAN status RWA (Done! 2016)
- Write a suspense novel (working – completed draft August)
- Write next novel in the paranormal series (starting August)
- Get a bigger publisher. Maybe an agent also.
- Learn to snowshoe
- Learn to cross country ski
- Run a 10k race as a senior
- Learn to Tango-Salsa-Mambo
- Back country hike Yosemite
- Buy a cabin in the woods (Done! We spend our summers there)
- Set up a home office and library in my home (Done!)
- Go through a Croning ceremony
- Make a quilt (well, actually finish one!)
- Attend oldest son's wedding with his new love. (Almost. He just got engaged last week!)
- Become a grandma (done)
- Witness youngest son fall in love and get married.
- Take great vacations for book research in Hawaii, Scotland, Wales, Alaska, Newfoundland, Iceland, Central America (Have Scotland booked for July!)
- Visit an active volcano
- Participate in a shamanic journey ceremony

I will draw a random name for a digital copy of my paranormal novel, Song of the Ancients.
The only limitation is your imagination. Here's your chance to share your dreams!