A lot of people have been posting of their agitation and unease about the weather situation and would like to know how they can help from afar. Here’s your chance. *Thank you in advance to Lady Abigail for this working, only slightly modified. Having been through this before, you should know!
Hurricane Protection Spell
5 white candles for peace, protection and safety (one larger to use as your protection candle.)
4 black candles to draw away the danger.
NOTE: candles should be left to burn completely out or during the hurricane’s wrath. PLEASE make sure they are in a safe place where they cannot cause fire, and no pets or children could be harmed.
Protection Herbs: Fern, clove, chamomile, angelica, High John root, Juniper, rue, or any other protection herb.
Cauldron or bowl
Altar or safe place to burn the candles
If you have a small cauldron, place the white protection Candle in the middle of it and sprinkle the herbs around it.
“By the powers that be and see,
I call protection unto me.
And unto all those I love
To cover them like wings of a dove. “
Then, starting with the candle furthest from the center of your spiral, light the candles one by one moving inward toward the protection candle and say:
“I call upon the powers that be,
I seek protections unto thee.”
As you light the candles, see a great blue and purple bubble of protection growing from the center of your area and flowing upward into the sky. Visualize this bubble of protection being joined by hundreds of thousands of others, each joining into the other ones and growing larger and larger until one immense bubble covers every finch within the danger zone.
Once you have finished leave the candles to burn completely out or until the storm has ended.
P.S. If you don’t have room on your altar or table for all full-size candles, use tapers or mini tapers for all but your protection candle. It’s your intention that is most important in any ritual working.
Next week I’ll post a spell for the people coping with the aftermath of our natural disasters.
Be safe friends. Let us know that you are all right!