Now it's time to take that new mindset and manifest it into prosperity in the material world!
This spell is done during the waxing moon, so this weekend is the perfect time to start.
To begin, make a doll out of green cloth. (The picture shows the doll in a neutral color so you can see the markings of how to sew).
Prepare your altar on a white cloth and decorate it with any kind of evergreens, preferably from your garden (or a friend’s).Have some pyrite or gold glitter powder.
Take a shower and go to your altar when the new crescent moon can be seen in the evening sky.
Light 2 green candles, saying, “Blessed be thou, creature of fire.”
Many of the prosperity/money herbs can be found in your kitchen and garden, such as basil, clover, honeysuckle, anise, nutmeg, spearmint, almond, bay, chamomile, cinnamon, garlic, lavender, marigold, orange, ginseng, sunflower, peppermint and thyme…so have a merry time with your combinations. I do recommend using the magickal numbers of 3, 4, 5 or 7 in your blends. More than that tends to “muddy” the scent. And always use a smaller amount of the strongest scents.
Pass the doll through your incense smoke, saying, “I name you (your name). You are success! You are powerful! You will always have more than enough. As it harms none, so mote it be!” You can improvise the words on this one if you wish, and bless your doll with anything from corporate mergers to raises to lotto winnings. Let your imagination sour, but don’t be frivolous—and never forget the ‘as it harms none’ part!
Powder your doll with glitter, then say”
“I conjure the spirits who guard the wealth of this earth to bless me with prosperity.” Anoint the doll with your own saliva, saying, “I call upon the waters to bless my spell with love.”
Repeat this spell nine nights in a row. On the tenth night, make a permanent hiding place for the doll.
Burn it after you receive the spell’s blessings. It is done.
I'd love to hear how this spell worked for you. Leave me a comment and let me know!
Until next weekend, Bright Blessings!